Monday, January 15, 2007

is there somethin wrong huh?

after the taiwanquake (well, every netizen actually in south east asia) noticed the intermittent internet connection since late dec2006. and yes, just like singleguy said, it can really piss you off.

the weird thing about this though is that some sites easily pops out, while others do not. like this one - gmail, blogger and google (obviously came from one creator) are sites i find difficult to access at a single click, early january its even worse! i usually get timed out. i already said this to ryeurn but i thought it was just nothin. until singleguy posted a comment sayin he's havin difficulty posting at blogspot.

oh well, i hope the cables are fixed by now. the connection may have gone haywire, but it will never stop me from blogging (it may slow me (us) down though)

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.....


myrlyndeleon said...

i think it's gotten better already. early this year, i was unable to access gmail also but then today, it loads fast already.

guess, the problem was partially solved. was it SEA-MEA-WEA cable that was affected? I seldom watch news, i'm being left behind already. hehehe

rheiboy17 said...

to tell you frankly, i have no idea about sea-mea-wea cables, one things for sure though, any quake that jolts taiwan will definitely affect us - close proximity.

yah, things are better now. it was only yesterday that finally SMARTBRO fixed my connection at home.

sorry for the delayed response myrlyn, i was out for 5 days, now AM BACK!

Unknown said...

it's ok...i just got back also from the hassles wedding preparations and new client bookings...

thanks thanks for all the inspirations and advises in my blogs.. =)

rheiboy17 said...

myrlyn: all the hassles of being an adult, sometimes i wish we're back to being kids, no worries for the rest of the day, hakunah matatah!

no problem myrlyn, i get a lot (learnings) from your blogs too. :)